Audit Log Analysis Using the Visual Audit Browser Toolkit James A. Hoagland, Chris Wee, Karl Levitt {hoagland,wee,levitt} Department of Computer Science University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 Abstract This paper describes the design and implementation of the Visual Audit Browser (VAB) Toolkit, which provides a visual interface for browsing Sun BSM audit log s. Applications of the VAB Toolkit include investigating security violations and more routine system administration tasks. The low level of abstraction in the logs, the large size of the logs, and the lack of association indication in the logs are some of the difficulties in manually analyzing audit logs, particularly system-level audit logs. The tools employ several audit visualization techniques including graphing, replay of audit events (movies), hypertext organization, and slicing. As a result of highlighting relevant associations between objects and events, the VAB Toolkit allows easier access to related data than textual browsing. This allows the user to more easily reach new and useful conclusions regarding the information presented as well as to confirm suspected facts. The tools are also compared to relational database based audit querying and shown to be an improvement except perhaps when queries can be easily formulated and not too many associations are needed to reach the intended conclusions. Despite the benefits, the users of tools in the VAB Toolkit are still challenged by the low level nature of BSM auditing and some of the tools are challenged by scalibility on the size of the log. However, audit reductions can help mitigate these problems.