Environment-Aware Security System
Research Goal
To be able to increasingly rely on complex interrelated computer systems built with insecure operating systems and applications in an environment of continuous and changing attacks, we need to add dynamism to our systems that can respond to attacks. The challenge is to introduce this dynamism without indtroducing increased risks into the systems. For example, we need to ensure that any response is not worse than the attack itself.
To create dynamic but safe capability UC Davis in collaboration with Net Squared, Inc.is developing semantic models that can identify optimal changes to the configuration of a computer system or network in order to thwart an on-going attack. The models will include concepts such as safety so that proposed responses can be measured as to their effect on legitimate operations. The models will also include concepts such as costs so that proposed solutions can be ranked based on various cost models.
To achieve our vision of a model that can identify the best responses with respect to safety and cost, U.C. Davis will carry out the following tasks.
Contact person:
Karl Levitt
last modified 5/5/04