Agenda for Misuse Detection Project Meeting: Tuesday 26-Nov-96, 3-4pm

paper to "Information Technology in Community Health" (0:15) Chris
submission deadline is Jan 8, 1997. Med informatics survey (0:05) Steven what is the status? Xmas (0:05) Chris identify times during Xmas break to do in-depth technical meetings. NT Evaluation report (0:15) Chris Meeting notes, monthly reports (0:05) Chris we've asked Cheryl to help us scribe our meetings. comments from Jim & Jennifer Equipment (0:05) Julie KDD (0:10) Steven continuation from last week Topics for next agenda (0:05) Brant

26-Nov-96 Meeting Notes for Misuse Project

Attendees: Steven Templeton, Chris, Julie, Raymond
Notes taken by Chris Wee
Meeting began @ 3:15pm and ended @ 4:40pm

paper to "Information Technology in Community Health" (0:15) Chris
we might submit a paper describing various types of insider-misuse in medical systems. Discuss threats that we are going to address in our misuse detection system. Julie's focus is on her thesis proposal.
a paper describing session characterization.
a visualization of session characterization. UIs for misuse detection system.
policy. a bill of rights for patients? the steps, defenses to prevent misuse. "a no floppy policy"
describe how to apply existing information technologies in the medical domain.
Raymond is interested in papers only when research is done.

Med informatics survey (0:05) Steven
hopefully we educated some people.

Xmas (0:05) Chris
identify times during Xmas break to do in-depth technical meetings.
deadline for everyone to play with NT auditing is Jan 1.
Steven will investigate whether NT auditing is adequate to detect a threshold of bytes read.
Julie will lit search on macro viruses, Java and ActiveX. Establish how McAfee scanner works on NT.
Steven wants to search for case studies on actual instances of misuse. EDP suggests EDP auditing magazine.
Raymond will educate himself in KDD.
A meeting for 16th 11am. Someone please take notes. Go to the movies.
A final meeting on 20th, 11am. Some please take notes. Go to another movie. e-mail notes to chris.

NT Evaluation report (0:15) Chris

Meeting notes, monthly reports (0:05) Chris
Everyone will write at least 1 page summary of their Xmas accomplishments and we'll integrate that into the Dec monthly report. "What I did on my Christmas vacation."

Equipment (0:05) Julie
Julie & Steven will order equipment and keep on top of orders. Raymond wants it as soon as possible.

KDD (0:10) Steven

Topics for next agenda (0:05) Brant
choose new facilitors.
discuss travel to MIT to visit Stephanie's group.
KDD presentation
obtain real audit data.