Agenda for Misuse Detection Project Meeting: Tuesday 22-Apr-97, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Select a timekeeper.

Audit countermeasures (0:20) Brant

N-gram code (0:15) Steven
	initial work plan? timetable?

mentee industrial espionage (0:10) Julie
	Julie met with maria lau and will supervise her
	in writing a virus, possibly polymorphic.

2nd yr funding (0:20) Karl
    proposal for additional funds.  Assuming Jennifer and Susan have set aside
    funds for a 2nd year of work,
    they will require a proposal from us.
    Assuming further that it is FY97 funds that they
    have set aside for the continuation,
    they will have to commit those funds by Aug at the latest.

debrief Fannie Mae (0:20) Chris
    meeting on Mon 4/21, 

debrief UCD IA meeting (0:00) Chris
	meeting was cancelled by David Day, UCD IA.
	Steven tried to reschedule.

Admin (0:15)
    RAM for Gateway (32MB) was installed by David. Thanks David.
    //-port Zip drive
    Julie's move into 2244

Topics for next agenda (0:05)

22-Apr-97 Meeting Notes

Attendees: Steven Templeton, Chris, Julie, Brant, Karl (briefly)
Meeting began at 5:40pm and ended at 7:25pm
Chris was the timekeeper and notetaker.

Audit countermeasures (0:20) Brant
    Karl (by proxy via Brant) is concerned that
    auditcountermeasures paper does not address the session
    characterization, and that divided, Brant might not be able to
    discharge his obligation before leaving the project.
    Chris feels that the paper & associated research does benefit
    the project (it studies NT auditing) and that Brant should not
    leave the project entirely. Thus, Brant would have sufficient
    time to discharge his obligations.

N-gram code (0:15) Steven
    Steven has review lit, coded up the N-gram algorithm in Perl,
    it is slow but it works. He will write up a report so that
    others can get up to speed and participate in discussion.

mentee industrial espionage (0:10) Julie
    Julie met with maria lau and will supervise her
    in writing a virus, possibly polymorphic.
    All agreed.

2nd yr funding (0:20) Karl
    because of other obligations, we will table this issue for
    several weeks.

debrief Fannie Mae (0:20) Chris
    meeting on Mon 4/21 as a possible "donor" of audit trails.
    meeting was quite positive. FM is willing to collaborate.
    Additional discussion via e-mail, phone etc.

debrief UCD IA meeting (0:00) Chris
    meeting was cancelled by David Day, UCD IA.
    Steven tried to reschedule and will continue trying.

Admin (0:15)
    RAM for Gateway (64MB) was installed by David. Thanks David.
    we loaned the 32MB to Matt Bishop temporarily; in payment of his
    previous loan of a PC to misuse project.
    Steven promises to clear this item off agenda //-port Zip drive
    Julie's will move in 2244 and take Scott's desk.
    Julie & Karl will buy 3 additional HDs for machines so that
    we can test different NT/Win95 configurations. It seems necessary
    to have some scratch disks.

Topics for next agenda (0:05)
    ucd IA meeting
    session characterization