Agenda for Misuse Detection Project Meeting
Tuesday 08-July-97, 1pm - 3pm

Review agenda. Select a timekeeper.
Towards an Electronic Patient Record 96 Proceedings (0:10) Chris
    published by Medical Records Institute.
    looks like papers are not refereed. No references found yet.
    quality is so-so.

Domain Type Enforcement Proposal (0:40) Scott

How to state seclab Security Policy (0:40) Steven

Admin (0:05)
    No word this week from Maria
    Chris, Steven, Brant and Scott continue search on medical misuse
    Chris assist Scott & Kathy in setup of their seclab accounts.
    Karl, Chris, Matt & Steven visiting ORD on Aug 5.

Medical Informatics Lit (0:10) Scott
    Steven, Chris, Brant, Scott met 7/7/97 to divide up medical security lit
    search tasks. Scott will write report on lit search.

Topics for next agenda (0:05)

08-July-97 Meeting Notes, 1:10pm - 3:00pm

Attendees: Steven Templeton, Chris, Julie, Brant, Scott Miller, Matt Bishop, Kathy Lam

Towards an Electronic Patient Record 96 Proceedings (0:10) Chris
    published by Medical Records Institute.
    looks like papers are not refereed. No references found yet.
    quality is so-so.
    Matt confirmed that in other fields, e.g., Chemistry, conference papers are not
    refereed. We decided not to purchase the 1997 proceedings (which cost $100).
    Matt suggested that we search for authors names in Melvyl and find refereed articles.

Domain Type Enforcement Proposal (0:40) Scott
    Scott presented his ideas on Domain Typing in Misuse Detection.
    We attempted an exercise on labelling objects, subjects and rules.
    Chris expressed concern over how categories and labels are created. If the user
    has to manually label objects, chances are, it won't be done. If there is an automated
    system, then that labelling system is vulnerable to abuse unless clear separation of
    duties are enforced. That is, the user who labels isn't the same user that accesses the

How to state seclab Security Policy (0:40) Steven

Admin (0:05)
    No word this week from Maria
    Chris, Steven, Brant and Scott continue search on medical misuse
    Scott & Kathy happy with their seclab accounts.
    Karl did not call Susan; instead Chris spoke with susan
    for about 40 minutes. set a time for Karl, Chris, Matt & Steven visiting ORD on Aug 5.

Medical Informatics Lit (0:10) Scott
    Steven, Chris, Brant, Scott met 7/7/97 to divide up medical security lit
    search tasks. Scott will write report on lit search.

Topics for next agenda (0:05)
    Debrief IA, Financial aid meeting with Pat Kearney.
    Kathy's progress with NT
    Macro viruses in Office 97
    progress report on med lit search.
    policy statements
    ORD visit