Agenda for Misuse Detection Project Meeting
Tuesday 24-July-97, 1pm - 3pm

Review agenda. Select a timekeeper.
Review of tech reports and transparancies for ORD (1:00)

EFD:A Hybrid Knowledge/Statistical Based System (0:15) Steven

Discussion of Dataless Scientific Inquiry (0:15) Scott

Medical Accountability Server (0:15) Kathy

Admin (0:05)

Topics for next agenda (0:10)

24-July-97 Meeting Notes, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Attendees: Steven Templeton, Brant Hashii, Scott Miller, Kathy Lam

Review of tech reports and transparancies for ORD (1:00)

EFD:A Hybrid Knowledge/Statistical Based System (0:15) Steven

Discussion of Dataless Scientific Inquiry (0:15) Scott

Medical Accountability Server (0:15) Kathy

Admin (0:05)

Topics for next agenda (0:10)