Agenda for Misuse Detection Project Meeting
Tuesday 2-September-97, 1:20pm - 2pm

Review agenda. Select a timekeeper.
Domain Typing and File Relations  (0:30) Scott

Countermeasures update (0:30) Scott

Policy specfications (0:05) Chris
    a quick review and wrap up of last week's meeting

Susan's visit on Sep 9 (0:20) Chris
    statement of work   

Topics for next agenda    

2-September-97 Meeting Notes, 1:20pm - 2:00pm

Attendees: Chris, Kathy, Brant, Scott

Domain Typing and File Relations  (0:30) Scott

Countermeasures update (0:30) Scott
Policy specfications (0:05) Chris
    a quick review and wrap up of last week's meeting

Susan's visit on Sep 9 (0:20) Chris
    statement of work   

Topics for next agenda (0:10)