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Computer Security Lab
UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Phone: 530.752.1287
Fax: 530.752.4767
Email: seclab-staff

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Awards 2012

Former UC Davis Ph.D. student Prof. Daniela Oliveira wins an NSF CAREER Award to support her work on bridging the semantic gap in virtualization-based security solutions via collaboration between guest OS and virtual machine.

Awards 2010

Dr. Sean Whalen receives the I3P Research Fellowship to support his proposed work on computer security with Prof. Sean Peisert. Dr. Whalen, who will be jointly appointed between UC Davis and the Berkeley Lab, was previously a Ph.D. student at UC Davis, advised jointly by Prof. Matt Bishop and Prof. Jim Crutchfield. The goals of his fellowship work are to develop a more mathematically rigorous anomaly detection framework, and apply it to process control systems and supercomputing clusters.

Awards 2009

Former UC Davis Ph.D. student Prof. Jed Crandall wins an NSF CAREER Award to support his work on analyzing global Internet censorship.
Dr. Earl Barr receives the I3P Research Fellowship to support his proposed work on computer security with Prof. Zhendong Su. Dr. Barr, was previously a Ph.D. student at UC Davis with Prof. Raju Pandey.

Awards 2008

Professor Hao Chen receives the Professor Hao Chen won the National Science Foundation CAREER award for his proposal to secure broadband cellular data networks. Professor Chen endeavors to understand the inherent, unique vulnerabilities in cellular data networks and mobile devices, and to develop technologies for defending against emerging threats. Click here for the award abstract.

Awards 2007

Dr. Sean Peisert receives the I3P Research Fellowship to perform research in formalizing the process of forensic logging and auditing, and automating security policy discovery and implementation.

Awards 2006

Professor Matt Bishop receives the Colloquium Academia Award from the Colloquium for Information System Security Education (CISSE) for his research and pedagogical work in computer information security (such as collecting seminal research papers that were hard to find before CISSE made them available, and his textbook). The award also honors Prof. Bishop for his "demonstrated research leadership in the analysis of vulnerabilities in computer systems, including modeling them, building tools to detect vulnerabilities, and eliminating or ameliorating them." More information about the CISSE can be found at http://www.cisse.info/background.htm.

Awards 2005

Professor Zhendong Su receives 2005-2006 NSF CAREER Award
Zhendong Su, assistant professor in the department of computer science, has received the 2005-2006 National Science Foundation Career Award, based on his proposal for an analysis framework that would improve reliability and security of national information system infrastructures.
Prof. Hao Chen receives the I3P Research Fellowship to perform research in secure systems and network response and recovery.

Awards 2003

RSA Field of Mathematics Award
Professor Phil Rogaway and Mihir Bellare (UCSD) won an RSA award for their innovation and ongoing contribution to the field of cryptography, April, 2003.

Awards 2001

Packard Fellowship
September 26, 2001 Professor Matt Franklin was awarded the highly prestigious Packard Fellowship
NFS CAREER Award, "New Directions in Cryptography for Electronic Commerce," Professor Matt Franklin
IFIP/IEEE 12th International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operation and Management, Best Paper/Presentation Award
Z Fu and S.F. Wu, "Automatic Generation of IPSEC/VPN Policies in an Intra-Domain Environment.

Awards 2000

Outstanding Instructor Award
Professor Raju Pandey, awarded by the Computer Science Club

Awards 1999

The Computer Security Laboratory is named a NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education.

Awards 1997

Computer Security Applications Conference, Best Student Paper Award
S. Cheung, "An Efficient Message Authentication Scheme for Link State Routing," Proc. 13th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 1997.

Awards 1996

National Computer Security Conference, Best Paper Award
L.T. Heberlein and M. Bishop, "Attack Class: Address Spoofing," Proc. 19th National Information Systems Security Conference, 1996.

Awards 1995

Computer Security Applications Conference, Best Student Paper Award
C. Wee, "LAFS: A Logging and Auditing File System," Proc. of the 11th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 1995.

Awards 1994

NCSC Conference, Best Student Paper Award
N. Puketza, B. Mukherjee, R. Olsson, and K. Zhang, "Testing Intrusion Detection Systems: Design Methodologies and Results from an Early Prototype," pp. 1–10, Proc. 17th National Computer Security Conference, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington, D.C., 1994.
NCSC Conference Outstanding Paper Award
J. Frank, "Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion Detection: Current and Future Directions," Proc. 17th National Computer Security Conference,, pp. 22–33., National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington, D.C., 1994

Questions or comments: seclab-staff@cs.ucdavis.edu

Last updated: March 16, 2011